How much do OnlyFans creators make?

OnlyFans is a subscription-based social platform for creators to show their talent and make money

OnlyFans provide excessive monetization options like subscription, exclusive content, pay-per-view model, live streaming, personalized messages, and more to the creators

The creators of OnlyFans utilize two or more monetization options to earn money, from which the OnlyFans platform takes the 20% cut. The rest 80% is for the creators

According to the OnlyFans data, the top 10% of creators earn up to 1000 USD per month

The top 1% of creators earn up to 6000 USD per month

Whereas the top 0.1% of creators earn one lakh USD per month

The monetization option of OnlyFans is changing for every update and it gives extensive opportunities for the creators of diverse talents to make millions